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Law Outlines Criminal Law Outlines

Criminal Justice Administration In The U.S. Structure, Justifications And Theories Of Punishment Outline

Updated Criminal Justice Administration In The U.S. Structure, Justifications And Theories Of Punishment Notes

Criminal Law Outlines

Criminal Law

Approximately 94 pages

Criminal Law with Professor Rachel Barkow at NYU School of Law.

This is a synthesis of all topics in a fall 2019 class, Criminal Law at NYU School of Law. My notes consist of the important elements of each doctrine, the unsettled areas, and policy justifications....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Criminal Law Outlines. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:

The Structure of Criminal Justice Administration in the United States

The Justification of Punishment


  1. Mass incarceration, small deterrent effect

  2. Overburdened legal system

  3. Discriminatory treatment of minorities

  4. Decentralized/local administration

  5. Discretion

  6. Political influences on CJ administration - elected legislators, prosecutors, judges

  7. Minimum sentencing requirements


Theory Consider

Harm caused (scope and amount – children involved?)

Subjective intent/blameworthiness (circumstances?)


Special and general


Risk of reoffending (age, impulse control, past record)

Incapacitation Protect public from danger/further crimes of D
Rehabilitation Educational or vocational training, medical care or other correctional treatment

Purposes of Punishment

  • Purposes are used by different actors to make decisions

    • legislatures (what to criminalize), prosecutors (who/what/how much to charge), judges (what to sentence)

2 dominant views -

(1) utilitarian - punishment because produce good future consequences, forward looking

  • Deterrence (detection) - special and general

  • Rehabilitation

  • Incapacitation (involve risk instruments to determine pretrial detention and sentencing, often faulty)

  • Others

    • Legitimization of legal system...

Buy the full version of these notes or essay plans and more in our Criminal Law Outlines.