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Law Outlines Constitutional Law Outlines

Freedom Of Speech Why Government Restricts Speech Outline

Updated Freedom Of Speech Why Government Restricts Speech Notes

Constitutional Law Outlines

Constitutional Law

Approximately 149 pages

I handwrote my notes for this entire class and then used the notes to create this outline in preparation for the Final Exam. ...

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Freedom of Speech - Why Government Restricts Speech - Unprotected & Less Protected Expression

Section 1. Free Speech: An Overview

Some speech isn’t protected. Why?

Gov Interests? (very flimsy, only about 5 or 6 areas not protected)

Categorization (obscenity, libel)(these things are outside the 1st Amend

Less-Protected (sexually explicit, commercial)

No one should trust the government to determine or decide the worth or value of ideas

Protected Speech may still get you in trouble on the street where probable cause is the rule of law not the constitution

Its hard to punish speech because it doesn’t fit neatly along the line of criminal law

Government Regulation:

When gov. attempts to regulate/punish speech they are acting in a place they don’t belong

When the gov is acting in the role of employer it makes more sense to regulate/prohibit/punish certain speech

Ancillary Rights:

No Compelled Speech


Policitical Speech & Money

First Amendment Theory


Cant punish false opinion


Does it include art & literature?

Autonomy & Personal Development

Here art & literature are valuable to self & are included in free speech

Negative Theory

Don’t trust your government censor

The 1st Amendment meaningfulness really began after/during world war I. This is when public speech became the issue & became meaningful & protected to varying degrees

Dealing now w/ government encroachment on the 1st Amendment

If gov. tries to regulate “content” of speech it will get strict scrutiny

If gov. tries to regulate “conduct” or is “content-neutral” will get a different scrutiny

Section 2. Incitement to Violence

Section 3. Fighting Words & Hostile Audiences

Here the problem is with speech that induces violence or potential violence on the part of listeners but instead of inciting riots the violence is directed at the speaker rather than undertaken in sympathy w/ the speakers cause

The state seeks to stop the speaker in order to promote the interest in assuring order & avoiding violence

One-on-one encounters gives rise to “fighting words” doctrine

Encounters btwn speaker & hostile audiences gives rise to the problem of the heckler’s veto.

Fighting Words:

Chaplinsky v. New York

Statute made it a crime to “address any offensive, derisive, or annoying word to any other person who is lawfully in any street or other public place, nor call him by any offensive or derisive name”

Chaplinsky called the Marshal a “god damned racketeer” and “a damned fascist”

Ct. here upheld the conviction and said there certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech which are not protectec by 1st Amend (libel, lewd & obscene, profane & fighting words)

Ct. Defined fighting words:

‘face-to-face words plainly likely to cause a breach of the peace by the addressee, words whose speaking constitute a breach of the peace by the speaker”
Said such utterances are not essential part of expression of ideas & have such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit they may have is clearly outweighed by social interest in order and morality.

After Chaplinsky, the court has focused less on the ‘order & morality” and more on the breach of the peace rational

Since Chaplinsky, the court has repeatedly declined to find factual support for fighting words convictions.

Gooding v. Wilson
Ct. reversed a conviction under a GA statute providing that any person “who shall, w/o provocation, use to or of another, opprobrious words or abusive language, tending to cause a breach of the peace” was guilty of misdemeanor
D called officer “white son of a bitch”
Brennan said statute too broad and would have swept in words not punishable under Chaplisnky
Texas v. Johnson
Flag Burning is not “fighting words”
Most cases limit “fighting words” to those directed face to face to an individual rather than generally at a group

Cohen v. California STYLE

Made clear the limits of Chaplisnky
Ct. reversed a breach of the peace conviction of a war protestor who wore in public a jacket that said “fuck the draft”
Made clear that profanity was at least sometimes protected speech
Has to do w/ situation where there is offensive, vulgar, or profane speech in public
1st Amendment is not an absolute
The statute prohibiting offensive conduct was wide sweeping & too broad
Tendency is a bad word- too vague & not imminent
Harlan said this was not conduct but rather was “symbolic speech”
So state was trying to punish for the “content” of the speech which generally can’t be punished & is protected.
This is not obscenity (not erotic)(not depiction of hardcore sexual behavior)
Layed out categories of unprotected speech:
Fighting words: must be directed at the hearer
Obscenity: erotic
In this situation if have sensitive or unwilling listeners: don’t punish the speaker but just avert your eyes or walk away if listening
Listener only prevails when privacy interests invaded in an intolerable manner (mere possibility of “unwilling” listeners not enough)
Purpose of 1st Amend: to keep gov. out of the public debate.
We want an informed citizenry & to facilitate representative gov & self autonomy
There are necessary side effects to right of free speech & open debate
Speech is Cognitive & Emotive
That which is protected is the expression of ideas and the emotional content as well, otherwise we risk the suppression of ideas.

Hostile Audiences & Heckler’s Veto

Hostile audience decisions have addressed the problem through balancing rather than categorization

Terminiello v. Chicago

A function of speech is to invite dispute
A serious evil is needed that rises far above public inconvenience, annoyance, or unrest

Feiner v. New York (no credibility in this case)

Vet on street corner & criticizing Mayor, Pres. Etc
He was arrested for antagonizing a crowd
Here say that went beyond mere speech & disobeyed a police order

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