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LLM Law Outlines Intellectual Property (IP) Law Outlines

Copyright Exclusive Rights Outline

Updated Copyright Exclusive Rights Notes

Intellectual Property (IP) Law Outlines

Intellectual Property (IP) Law

Approximately 292 pages

IP Law with Former Spring 2019
Based on the book Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age 2018 (Robert P. Merges)...

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05. Copyright - Exclusive Rights 1

Reproduction, Derivative Works, Distribution, Public Display, Public Performance, Moral Rights

MML 625-717; 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 (“copies,” “derivative work”, “display,” “perform,” “publicly,” “work of visual art”), 103(a), 106, 109, 602, 106A, 107


  1. Anatomy of a Copyright Case

    • Ownership of valid rights in an original work of authorship

    • “Original” work of authorship

    • Fixed in a tangible medium of expression

    • Plaintiff owns the work

    • Copyright remains in effect

  2. Infringement

    • Both must be shown for the violation of Exclusive Rights:

      1. copying in fact: actual copying, show that D use some elements of P’s work to make D’s work – relied on it and used it (c.f. creating independently)

      2. copying in law: substantial similarity - D copying from P’s work is sufficient whether quantitatively/ qualitatively (mostly both) to provoke legal liability for infringement

    • Relevant limitations/ exclusions

    • Other defenses

    • Two types of infringement

  • Direct infringement: directly infringe the rights of copyright holders

  • Indirect infringement: encourage/ assist a third party to infringe

Exclusive Rights of Author

  • 1976 Act

    1. Reproduction §106(1)

    2. Adaptation (Derivative Work) § 106(2)

    3. Public Distribution § 106(3)

      • Import § 602

    4. Public Performance § 106(4)

    5. Public Display § 106(5)

  • VARA 1990

    1. Moral Rights § 106A

  • AHRA 1992

    1. DAT Restrictions; Taxes §§ 1002-07

  • DPRSRA 1995

    1. Digital Performance Right § 106(6)

  • DMCA 1999

    1. Anti-Circumvention Protections §§1201-02

Direct Infringement

Traditional Copyright Rights

  • s.106 Exclusive Rights in Copyrighted Work: “Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following:

  1. to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords;

  2. to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work;

  3. to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending;

  4. in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform the copyrighted work publicly;

  5. in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to display the copyrighted work publicly; and

  6. in the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.”

(I) Reproduction The Right to Make Copies

  • Definition § 106: The owner of a copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following: (1) to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords

    • Must be fixed fixation: a copy is only a copy once it’s fixed. Reproduction rights do not include things that are not fixed public performance of the work is not an infringement of reproduction rights.

    • Two pronged test of infringement

      1. copying in fact

      2. copying in law

    • Distribution not required: still violating reproduction right even if you reproduced other’s work without distributing it. E.g. can infringe by reproducing a work and no one else ever sees it.

  • s.106(1) grants exclusive rights to literal reproduction + “substantially similar” reproductions of protected expression address 2 distinct aspects:

    • (1) proving copying; and

      • whether someone has actually copied the work of another [c.f. patent protection: prohibits making, using, selling offering to sell, or importing the patent invention whether or not the accused infringed copied the patentee’s technology]

      • Copyright only prohibits copying, it doesn’t bar independent creation of similar work

      • Court would ideally like to have direct proof of copying: e.g. eyewitness testimony, records indicating that an author obtained the work from another…etc.

      • But evidence is usually not available

    • (2) assessing substantiality of copying protected expression [quantum of copying]

      • “Copyrighted work could be infringed by reproducing it in whole or in substantial part” H.R. REP. No.94-1476

      • whether P’s copyright is infringed is often complicated by the fact that many copyrightable works intermingle original expression with public domain materials

      • ‘substantial similarity’ has different meanings: (1) an aid in determining proof of copying; and (2) whether the appropriation of protectable material was improper

  • Infringement analysis:

    • (1) copying and

    • (2) improper/ unlawful appropriation

      • whether D took from P’s works so much of what is pleasing to ears of lay listeners, who comprise the audience for whom such popular music is composed, that D wrongfully appropriated something which belongs to P

(i) Copying

  • Arnstein v. Porter (2d Cir. 1946)

    • Facts: Arnstein (P) sued Porter (D for infringement of copyrights in several of P’s famous musical compositions P sought a jury trial, alleging the D plagiarized his songs. P alleged that D had the opportunity to take this material from P. D denied ever hearing or seeing any of P’s compositions. District court granted summary judgment for P, D appealed

    • To establish infringement, there must be both copying in fact + law (2 Part Test)

      • When the defendant denies using the plaintiff’s work, or claims that the extent of the use is not infringing, infringement requires proof of:

      1. Copying in facts: actual copying (direct evidence) of factual copying, prove by

        1. Direct evidence (D admit copying, rare); or

        2. Evidential proof

          • Access by D to P’s work + probative similarity between P & D’s work [Inverse ratio rule: more access, lower threshold on similarity; vice versa]

          • (1) there must be evidence that the defendant had access to the copyrighted work, and;

          • (2) there must be evidence that the works are substantially similar.

            • Without direct evidence of copying, "the similarities [between the works] must be so striking as to preclude the...

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